On this page you will find links to useful information about employment and career guidance, specialized media and social communities, and much more:
Employment Law in Russia - http://www.lib.ru/PRAWO/kzot.txt
Website of the St. Petersburg's Committee for Employment - https://ktzn.gov.spb.ru/
Practical trainings and internships:
Practical trainings and internships in St. Petersburg (from the employment center at St. Petersburg) – https://www.r21.spb.ru/empl/vacancies/internship.htm
Web-portal "Work in Russia" - https://trudvsem.ru/vacancy/search?_busy=PROBATION&_page=0
Specialized web-sites for job search:
job vacancies in the employment center of St. Petersburg - https://jobkadrov.ru/vacancies/region/sankt-peterburg-spb_18
trudvsem - https://trudvsem.ru/
headhunter - https://spb.hh.ru/
superjob - https://spb.superjob.ru/
rabota.ru - https://spb.rabota.ru/
mjobs - https://www.mjobs.ru/
youth employment bureau - http://spbmbt.ru/
You can also find the available vacancies for SPbSFTU’s students and graduates at https://spbftu.ru/tsentr-karery-i-proforientatsii/obuchayushhimsya/vakansii-dlya-studentov-i-obuchayushhihsya and a list of companies/organizations providing internship opportunities for SPbSFTU’s students at https://spbftu.ru/tsentr-karery-i-proforientatsii/obuchayushhimsya/praktiki-i-stazhirovki
SPbSFTU's Digital Career Environment - «Facultetus»
The University's Digital Career Environment is a tool for high-quality assistance in the employment of students and graduates.
The official profile of our university at «Facultetus»: https://facultetus.ru/spbftu
You have to register at the «Facultetus» web-site and fill out your CV there thus you will be able to apply for vacancies, as well as take free courses and attend career events!