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MSc program in English


History of the program’s development

In 2009, a specialized Master's degree program FORPEC ("Forest Policy and Economics") started at SPbSFTU, which was then still called Forest Academy.

The program has been developed in several years as part of the international project "Development of Master's Program "Forest Economics and Forest Policy", funded by the TEMPUS program of the European Union. Not only Forest Academy professors, but also faculty members of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dresden Technological University, and the Estonian University of Life Sciences took an active part in FORPEC program's development.

The program is designed for both Russian and international students.

The developed curriculum of the FORPEC program meets modern trends of forest management, the concept of sustainable forest management, which involves the rational use of forests while maintaining their environmental, economic and social benefits in a market economy.

To date, FORPEC is the only English-taught master's program in Russian forest section.


The main selection criteria for applicants are:

  • A completed Bachelor degree in Forestry or Economics;
  • A good level of English proficiency;
  • High level of motivation;
  • Basic knowledge in forestry and economics.

To be admitted to the program applicants have to pass through exam on forestry and English test


Alexander S. Alexeev, D.Sc. (Geography) Head of the program Tel. +7 (812) 217–93-16 Email:
Svetlana V. Tereshchenko, PhD(Ec) Head of the Directorate of International Cooperation Tel. +7 (812) 217-92-60 WhatsApp. +7 (931) 592-28-89 Email: Email:



Mathematical modelling of forest ecosystems

Philosophical and methodological problems of science and technology

Management of biological and technological systems in forestry

Economics and organisation in the forest sector

Legal and social issues of sustainable forest management

Information technology in forestry

Foreign language in business communication

Modern forestry science and production issues

History of forestry science and production methodology


Design of specially protected natural areas


Forest economy

Forest policy

Sustainable forest management

Forest management

The economics of the environment


PART 1. International and Russian Forest Policy

Students get a thorough knowledge of national forest policy in Russia with focus on the institutional framework and subjects acting in the forest sector; regional, supranational, Pan-European and global forest policy regimes, skills in policy analysis. Although lectures and seminars are the prevailing teaching form, visits to relevant stakeholder organizations are also integrated in the curriculum. Examples of envisioned courses: pan-European forest policy and multilevel-governance; policy tools for sustainable forestry; forest certification, forest governance and combating of illegal logging.

PART 2. Forest Management and Planning

Students build theoretical and practical skills in forest management planning on various temporal and spatial scales. The starting point of the theme is the perspective on planning as decision support. Besides traditional approaches, this block employs components of problem-based learning and case studies, where students work with “real life” planning examples.

Examples of envisioned courses: methods and tools for decision support; tree cover modelling on stand, forest and landscape level; planning for multi-functional forestry; a case study.

PART 3. Modern economics for forestry in transition period

This part introduces the economy theory as applied under market economy conditions. Applications of the theory in an economy under transition are examined using hypothetical and actual examples, employing discussions, exercises and simulations.

Examples of envisioned courses: economics of forestry at stand level; market/profit oriented management of forest enterprise; environmental economics.