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PhD courses


Foreign citizens with higher professional education (Specialists [5 years] or M. Sci. levels) may apply to the PhD courses. These courses can be either budgetary (with the tuition covered by the State budget of the Russian Federation) or fee-based (with full tuition costs covered by a student). For admitted students stipends are provided starting from the enrollment date. Budgetary places are available on a competitive basis. Those, who did not pass through the competition, may apply to the fee-based PhD courses.

In the table below you can find the list of scientific directions and specializations of PhD courses that you can apply to for the 2023-2024 academic year at SPbSFTU's graduate school.


Name of Direction

Name of Specialization


Chemical Sciences

1.4.3. Organic Chemistry


Biological Sciences

1.5.9. Botany

1.5.15. Ecology


Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences

1.6.20. Geoinformatics, Cartography


Information Technologies and Communication Systems

2.3.1. System Analysis, Management and Information Processing, Statistics


Agronomy, Forest and Water Management

4.1.6. Forestry, Silviculture, Forest Cultures, Agronomical Melioration, Forest Fires and Taxation


Agroengineering and Food Technologies

4.3.4. Technologies, Machines and Equipment

of Forest Complex and Wood Processing



5.2.3 Regional and Branch Economy

PhD courses are aimed at the training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. So, after graduating from SPbSFTU’s PhD courses all students get the assigned qualification (degree) «Researcher. Teacher-researcher».

The scientific supervisor is appointed by the Rector of the University for each graduate student simultaneously with his/her enrollment to the University. The scientific supervisor controls the implementation of student’s individual research plan. The students’ individual research plans and thesis’s (dissertations’) topics are also approved by university's Scientific Council and the order signed by the Rector of SPbSFTU.

The exams at PhD courses (on a special discipline, history and philosophy of science, foreign language) are held every year during the intermediate certification (see: the section «Промежуточная аттестация и кандидатские экзамены»

Non-resident full-time PhD courses students are provided with a room at the dormitory.

If you have any questions about our PhD courses, please visit Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel Department (194021, St. Petersburg, Institutskiy per., 5, SPbSFTU, 1 building, room 226-A) or contact specialists of the Department:

Lyubov Ya. Gromskaya Head of Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel Department candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor Tel. +7 (812) 217-92-82 Email:
Elena V. Zholobova Lead document specialist Tel. +7 (812) 217-92-82 Email:
Yana K. Sokolova Lead document specialist Tel. +7 (812) 217-92-82 Email: