HOW TO APPLY IN 2023/2024 academic year
The Preparatory Department for foreign citizens at St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University is more than twenty years old. The aim task of the Preparatory Department is for students to master the Russian language and Russian-speaking terminology of the main subjects. The basis for successful education of foreigners in Russian universities is created by the leading teachers of the university. After graduating from the Preparatory Department, students can enroll not only in Forest Technical University, but also in other Russian universities.
Directions of study:
- Engineering
- Science
- Economics
Subjects studied:
- Russian language
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
Forms and cost of education:
Contract and Budget
Cost of training:
130,000 rubles (Online)
165,000 rubles (Offline)
Duration of training: 10 months
Training period: October - July
Upon completion of the Preparatory Department, you will have the opportunity to enter not only the University of Forestry, but also other universities in Russia.
Documents for filing:
Notarized translation of passport into Russian language
Certificate of secondary general education / diploma of higher or secondary vocational education with a notarized translation into Russian. When submitting documents it is necessary to indicate the intended specialty of study after the preparatory department. Send the documents to:
Formalization of training contract:
1. After receiving the documents, the specialist sends the learner the contract for signing and payment.
2. the student is obliged to pay 100% of the cost of training within 5 calendar days from the date of signing this contract
2.1. the student has the right to pay for training in the following order by agreement with the University management (on personal application):
within 5 calendar days from the date of signing this contract, the student is obliged to make payment in the amount of 30% of the cost of training;
within 3 calendar months from the date of signing this contract, the student is obliged to pay 30% of the cost of training;
within 6 calendar months from the date of signing this agreement, the student is obliged to make payment in the amount of 40% of the cost of training
3. Upon receipt of payment, the University enrolls the student in the Preparatory Department.
4. The University sends the learner an invitation for registration and obtaining a visa.
More detailed information about the conditions of admission and training at the Preparatory Department of SPbFTU