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The university's Fundemental Library is one of the largest university forest libraries in Russia. Its book collections reflect the history of the development of forest science and forest education, as well as the experience of forest management.

The Library stores the first editions of the works of M.V. Lomonosov, K. Linnaeus, S.P. Krasheninnikov, P. Pallas, N.M. Karamzin, G.R. Derzhavin, A. Kantemir.

A collection of rare books has a special place in the fund of our Library. These are 8000 unique editions of forest science of the 17th-19th centuries. The first forestry publications and teaching materials written by such well-known scientists as P. Divov, A. Zyablovsky, P. Perelygin, G. Harting, and G. Kotta are among them.

One of the most valuable publications in the Library's rare fund is the Decrees of Peter the Great, published by the Academy of Sciences in 1739.

The valuable fund of the Library also includes Russian and foreign scientific rare periodicals and collections of forestry literature, such as: a complete set of "Proceedings of the Free Economic Society" (1765-1915) and "Forest Journal" (from the its first issue in 1833 to the last one in 1918).


Currently, the Fundamental Library has over a million volumes in its book depositories.

The collection of scientific literature contains more than half a million volumes.

The Library contains an extensive collection of universal and sectoral encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, bibliographic publications, literature on the natural sciences, the humanities and all branches of the forest complex:

  • economics of the forestry and wood-chemical complex
  • forestry, ecology, nature management
  • logging industry
  • wood processing industry, sawmilling, plywood and furniture production
  • chemical processing of wood, pulp and paper industry, production of wood-based plastics and plates

The Library fund includes educational and scientific literature, periodicals, dissertations, research reports, GOST standarts. Literature is available in English, German, French, Bulgarian, Romanian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian and Chinese. The library has a collection of manuscripts and typewritten works, a set of standards, patents and industrial catalogs. There are also more than 25,000 volumes of fiction books.

Annually, a subscription is made to periodicals on the university’s profile research topics. Theme packages include:

  • "Forestry and forest engineering"
  • "Engineering sciences"
  • "Computer science"
  • "Economics and Management"
  • "Social and Humanitarian Sciences"


Mon-Thu: 10 a.m – 4.30 p.m

Fri: 10 a.m – 3.30 p.m

(In summer: Tue-Thu: 12 p.m – 4 p.m)


Electronic Library System of the Lan' publishing house -


Valentina T. Chuzhikova

Library Director

Tel.: +7 (812) 217-93-87